
A side-scrolling button-mashing adventure, Postknight is a lot of fun with quite a bit of depth. There are four types of quests: story quests:...

Tower of Fortune 3

Tower of Fortune has gone full colour for the third instalment of the series, and it looks beautiful while keeping the overall retro style....


Nocked! is a gamebook adventure-style interactive fiction game, with resources management. It's wonderfully written and has incredible detail and depth. It's a really interesting...

Tower of Fortune 2

Tower of Fortune 2, the sequel to Tower of Fortune, is a role playing game with combat mechanics drawn from slot machines. You’ll need...

MazeQuest – An Adventure RPG

MazeQuest is a marvellous, retro-style game where you explore and loot your way through five different lands. Most lands are quite maze-like, but one...

Lowlander II: Lowerlander

Lowlander II: Lowerlander is the sequel to Lowlander, and is once more an absolutely wonderful retro RPG where you explore the (huge) world and...


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Dawn of Crafting

Dawn of Crafting is a slick crafting-based RPG that’s huge in scope. You start making the most basic tools and progress to more complex...