Wanderer of Lifetimes is a role playing game set in an "Eastern-inspired land" where the rules of life and death are governed by the cycle...
Author: rpgsite
The Greater Good is a "stylised, throwback, turn-based RPG" featuring unique graphics and an original, explosive soundtrack (from electronic producer EnrightBeats). It's inspired by classic...
Raven's Path is a real-time tactical RPG featuring hand-drawn pixel art. It also features the coolest app icon I've ever seen (I love ravens!)...
Fateful Lore is a retro-inspired, 8-bit RPG with turn-based battles, inspired by classic JRPGs such as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. There's a huge...
Doom & Destiny Advanced is an absolutely brilliant RPG - managing to be both classic and highly feature-rich and original. Four heroes - "a...
Castle of White Night is another retro-pixel graphic RPG from Game Stew (devs of the amazing Tower of Fortune series). This latest game isn't...
Wasco is a lovely little RPG - it's just a shame it's not longer. It's a deliberately ultra-retro style sci-fi themed JRPG, where you...
PictoQuest is a puzzle RPG with the combat based on picture grids. Each grid either fights an enemy, or opens a chest, or is...
These are expansions for The Quest by Redshift, and they are all incredibly detailed, fully-featured classic role playing games. They can all be played...
Swag and Sorcery is a new "streamlined RPG" from the creators of Graveyard Keeper. It involves hiring heroes and sending them out to different...